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All That Is Necessary For The Triumph Of Evil
Is That Good Men Do Nothing

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Escape the Pain

I have found a way to escape the pain for short periods of time. All you need to do is keep your mind occupied by engaging in a in depth conversation ,debate or argument . This will not only take your mind off the pain for short periods of time but will also work your mind which in turn will make you feel better and more “alive”. So get online on the phone or have friends or family over to discuss any issue you feel passionate about. You will feel better even for short periods of time. Every bit helps. I’m fine Thanks.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Bad Law

Well the senate passed reform of the bankruptcy laws of course it does not do any favors for those in pain. People with chronic pain will typically have medical bills that can overwhelm them if they do not have good medical insurance(Even with insurance medical bills can bankrupt a person). The new law will certainly pass the house and be signed by the President. Over half of the 1.6 million bankruptcy's last year were the result of medical bills and three quarters of them had health insurance. Now with the new law people that get ill or have an accident and can't keep up with medical bills they will have a much more difficult time with bankruptcy. I think people who run up credit cards and then go bankrupt to avoid paying what they owe are not the same as someone that is injured or disabled. I do not think people should lose everything because through no fault of their own have become sick or disabled. The health care system in the country can not continue on the present path for to much longer but the insurance company's have a tremendous amount of power and will fight any change. I have insurance, however we won't be able to afford it for much longer and something will have to give soon because the premium has been rising $100 a month every year for the last four years . So everyone call your representatives and let them know what you think, let me know also. I'm fine Thanks.

N.Y. Times Article

Sunday, March 06, 2005


I was wondering if anyone has had severe upper back pain that feels like being severely shocked in the upper back right side. I have always said it is the stabbbing pain (doctors do not have shock as an option on forms).I have never been stabbed but I have been shocked its the closest to what it feels like. This is a major problem that seems to be getting worse. I think it is from typing even though I am lying down and supporting my arms.I had a injury that crushed 5 vertabrae and discs 6 level fusion did not help.I also have severe headaches and burning in right hand and fingers. The shock from my back can go to the front of my chest on the right side more than left. It is getting alot harder to move at all.I have tried many treatments over the years within the last year or so I have tried accupunture and botox injection to calm the muscles on the right side of my back while they seem to be helping the insurance wont authorize it anymore.I am typing with my left hand and I have to stop any help wuold be greatly appreciated. I'm fine Thanks.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Baaad Daay

I dont think I am over my bad day earlier this week.My right side feels like its on fire cant sleep cant think.(maybe I never could).Even laying here I cant type without more pain. I am a two finger typer anyway which is a little less painful than than useing both arms (I have been typing for 20 minutes on this)just kidding its only been 15 minutes.When I move I usualy get hit with a shock anyone who has been shocked by 110v knows the feeling now imagine taking the wires and sticking them in your back on the right side upper back thats the stabbing pain I get the other pain I have is equaly unpleasant.I'm fine.Thanks

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Back in Paradise

Well I am back. The pain takes me down on sometimes but it is starting to calm down a little bit.I have a 6 level spinal fusion that did not give me the relief I would like but I could not move without the medication even if I hate it and what it does to your mind and body.I quess you have to take the good with the bad even when it seams like it is mostly bad. You have to look for the good.You have to escape mentally to truely get relief.(easier said than done). I'm fine Thanks

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