I have been thinking what I want to do with this blog. I was thinking I would use it to vent about all my pain which I may still do because I don't like talking about it so maybe I will write about it but I think I will try for humorous, ironic or stupid. I think I will try for the first two but will probably end up with the third one.(hint: its stupid). I appreciate the comments and those of us in pain know the only real relief is to not dwell on the pain or it will get worse so we need to occupy our minds even if for just a short time. I know there are alot of people alot worse off than me and I wish them all the best and I should probably feel lucky that I can still walk,feel lucky I am not paralyzed and I did not die so I should feel lucky. Right?
F*^% THAT. I DO NOT FEEL LUCKY I FEEL SCREWED. Whoa were did that come from anyway I will try for humorous , ironic or just stupid because if we dwell on our pain it will consume us. Don't let that happen and try to escape if just for a little while. I'm fine. Thanks
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